Thursday, April 23, 2020

Throwback to Lily

Taking a trip back to Book 4 Lily. I loved Lily and Eric's journey. Here is a small scene between them. 

“So are the stars perfect?” he asked once it was completely dark. The millions of stars were sprinkled throughout the midnight blue sky. 
“Yes,” she whispered. “You know my mom used to tell me the stars were our only comfort in the darkest of nights. They know our deepest secrets and darkest fears.” 
“What about the moon?” he asked, turning his head to look at her. 
“She said the moon was too finicky,” she replied. “The moon always changed, but the stars stayed the same.” 
“Why do they know the deepest secrets and darkest fears?” 
“Because only under the cover of night are the secrets and fears revealed,” she answered. 
“What about hope?” 
“Well, hope shines brightest in the dark, or at least it’s what all the poems and books say,” she remarked. 

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Opening passage of Siren Song

I'm reading through Siren Song before sending it off to the editor. Here is the opening passage from the book. 

From the dawn of time, the seas have been an unforgiving mistress. Tossing ships from wave to wave and reminding men and women they are mere mortals in her grasp. She can be peaceful or attempt to capsize every ship who dare cross her. As demanding and disheartening as she can be, she still calls to the adventurers. The men and women who brave the unknown for a glimpse of something more than their home. As more and more people settled closer to the water’s edge, the adventurers climbed aboard wooden ships and sailed to the weird shores of far-off lands. Some in service of a crown, while others in service for their self. 
For those adventurers the sea wasn’t the only danger. Once their vessel neared the shore, a new threat called to them. Beautiful voices made to entrap. Their songs entranced the men into plunging to their deaths for a chance to be with the beauty. Only the beauties were the sirens of the shorelines. 
Few men lived to tell the tale and warn others of these sirens. Those few men also gave name to these beauties. A name that would haunt the ships sailing close to their shores and echoed from stern to bow. 
Their name, mermaids. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Little Known Facts

My favorite thing to post after I publish a book is the little known things that happened in the background. Since Diamond Dirt has been out a week, it's time to share those moments. 

*This was the longest I've even taken to write a book. I started it before writing Life in the Moments in 2017! I finally got back into in December and threw my outline away. Once I the road map I thought would work was gone, the story flowed. 

*This is one of the few books where the 'jock' is the girl and the tutor is the guy. Shelby is not a dumb jock though because her major is chemistry with her best subjects as Organic and Inorganic Chemistry. 

*This is the first book that I cut several scenes before sending it to the editor. They were fine, but pulled the story down. 

*I took a lot of inspiration from my time in college and all the years I played softball. One of the girls is even an agriculture major with animal science classes. 

*Shelby is the first character I've ever told was left-handed. I normally let the reader imagine it. 

*Shelby is a combination of some of my favorite pitchers. 

*I never got to pick a walk-out song when I played, so this was my time to go wild. If I was playing now, it would be the one I chose for Shelby, Made for This by Carrollton. 

*I didn't say what university they attend on purpose. It didn't matter for the story. One of the school colors is red, but not crimson. It is set in the southeast. 

*For those who don't know, there is a College World Series for Softball. It has become one of the most watched sports in recent years. They've added more and more games to the schedules for live viewing. I remember when you could only watch the World Series, but now you can watch regular games almost any day of the week. 

*The World Series is played at ASA Hall of Fame Stadium in Oklahoma City. 

*There is a selection show where the top 64 teams are displayed for regionals. The top 16 teams host regionals. The top 8 (if they win their regional) host Super Regionals. The 8 teams left head to OKC to play the World Series. 

*I do have my next book finished. I'm reading over it before sending it to the editor. The prologue is available at the end of Diamond Dirt. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Diamond Dirt is live!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Diamond Dirt

In just two days, Diamond Dirt will be live! Here is a small scene between Winston and his sister Mia. Don't forget to order your copy on your preferred reading platform. 

“Are you trying to date some girl?” she asked as she grabbed an apple from the basket on the counter. “I didn’t know you were dating anyone.” 
“I’m not,” he said. “She needs help in British History.” 
“What’s wrong with her schedule?” she asked as she leaned over his shoulder. 
“She plays softball every weekend and has practice every day throughout the week. In fact, some days she has practice twice a day. If she’s that bad of a player maybe she needs to drop it,” he said. 
“It could be different types of practice,” she said leaning away from him. 
“I guess.” 
“What’s her name? I’ll tell you what position she plays.” 
“How do you know the players on the college team? I don’t even know them and I go there,” he said as he set his phone down. 
“Duh, I follow the team,” she said. “Now what’s her name?” 
“Shelby, I didn’t ask her last name,” he said. 
“You’re tutoring Shelby Cannon, as in Shelby the best pitcher since Monica Abbott, Jennie Finch, and Cat Osterman?”
“I guess,” he said with a shrug. It could be her last name. He never asked and she didn’t say. 
“I have to meet her,” she said as she leaned over the counter.