Friday, April 21, 2017


Falling for Cody is edited and formatted! Two steps closer to publishing. Here is a small scene to celebrate.

"I really need you to start today, Lee. I'm running behind, and I can't have my mother on my case," April prayed as she closed her eyes and turned the car key.
Seconds later, the engine turned over as the car started.
"Oh thank you," she gushed. "I promise; I'll get your oil changed soon."

#fallingforcody #2017

Friday, April 14, 2017


Look what finally came in!!!! I'll be making some deliveries today. I'll also be mailing some out. If you want one let me know. I ordered extra.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


So I'm reviewing my outline for my new book and I had to share one tiny hint of a scene with you. Facebook has its moments and this was something I found funny when I read it. This scene has been with me for so long. In fact, it was the first thing scene I had for this book.

So here is the tiny hint of a scene. There is a spider in bathroom killed with gliter body spray.

I can't wait to write that scene and the rest of the book.