Friday, October 13, 2023


Since the edits and re-release of Cursed Soldier are complete, I've shifted back to Book 15: Stolen Dreams. Here is a small snippet from my upcoming book. 

She continued reading it and wondered when her mother would call her. Amy Dallas still hated baseball and the fact that her daughter loved it. All the lectures growing up about watching those men on the field were burned into her memory. 

Not just burned into her memory but the underside of her arm. Her mother forgot about the cigarette and burned her arm. She remembered the pain and her mother’s screams that it was Finley’s fault. The smoke caused her to cough until she had to stumble into her room for her inhaler. Unfortunately, it wasn’t her only burn mark. 

Her mother continued screaming at her for loving baseball. The men would take the women and use them for whatever they wanted, then toss them to the side. Amy wanted to know why her daughter would want that. 

She remembered gasping on the floor. Her arm and lungs burning. She cried as her mother slammed the door. It had been a while before she stood up and climbed into bed. She remembered setting her glasses on her bedside table. The tape had caught in her hair, but it was normal. Everything was blurry, but that was normal too. She’d needed new glasses for a few years now. Pulling the blanket up, the smell of smoke made her eyes water as she closed them. One thought ran through her mind. 

Why did her mother hate her? 

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