I'm reading through Siren Song before sending it off to the editor. Here is the opening passage from the book.
From the dawn of time, the seas have been an unforgiving mistress. Tossing ships from wave to wave and reminding men and women they are mere mortals in her grasp. She can be peaceful or attempt to capsize every ship who dare cross her. As demanding and disheartening as she can be, she still calls to the adventurers. The men and women who brave the unknown for a glimpse of something more than their home. As more and more people settled closer to the water’s edge, the adventurers climbed aboard wooden ships and sailed to the weird shores of far-off lands. Some in service of a crown, while others in service for their self.
For those adventurers the sea wasn’t the only danger. Once their vessel neared the shore, a new threat called to them. Beautiful voices made to entrap. Their songs entranced the men into plunging to their deaths for a chance to be with the beauty. Only the beauties were the sirens of the shorelines.
Few men lived to tell the tale and warn others of these sirens. Those few men also gave name to these beauties. A name that would haunt the ships sailing close to their shores and echoed from stern to bow.
Their name, mermaids.
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