Friday, September 15, 2023


Siren Song is in KU!

Have you experienced Nerida and Destan's journey?

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Being Inspired!

Being inspired for my next book, Stolen Dreams. Finely isn't ready for Maverick (her favorite active player) to enter her life. 

10th Anniversary

"He would travel back to the place that had started it all. He would go back to that little town in Pennsylvania called Gettysburg, and face his demons head on for the first time since the Battle of Gettysburg." 

It's been ten years since I first typed those words for my first book Cursed Soldier. For the 10th anniversary, I decided that it was time for some tweaks and a few edits. I'm also creating a hardcover through Amazon with a brand new cover. 

I can't wait to share the new cover with everyone in the coming weeks. The cover will feature one of my photos from my first visit to Gettysburg just as the original does.