Monday, July 6, 2020

Little Known Facts

Since Siren Song has been out a few weeks, time for little known facts. 

*This is one of my shortest books. It was planned that way. 
*I wrote this in a month and a half, while under stay at home orders in Hawaii. 
*This book wasn't on my mind until I began to prep for Mermaid Voice. I needed certain scenes and when I wrote those, I needed to write the rest of the book. 
*I had fun writing this book. It gave me a chance to write about pirates and mermaids. 
*I did have another picture chosen for the cover, but I wasn't happy with it. 
*The black sand beach was inspired by my time in Hawaii. 
*All of the pirate names except for Destan are based on real pirates. I found Destan on a list of boy names associated with water. 
*All the mermaid names are associated with water. 
*Captain Maynard is based on Robert Maynard who was tasked with hunting down and killing the pirate Blackbeard. He wasn't a captain in real life until much later. 
*I did mention a few real places such as Port Royal and Ocracoke. 
*Destan's mutiny on the slave ship is based on a real event. On July 2, 1839, slaves aboard the Cuban schooner, Amistad. The enslaved were tried in the US and were represented by former President John Quincy Adams. They won and most were allowed to go back to Africa. 

If you hadn't, grab your copy today. Siren Song is available on all platforms. If you've read it, don't forget to leave a review.