Besides my main characters, I love my secondary characters. Diamond Dirt has two of my favorites, Winston's little sister Mia and his best friend Bennett. Here is snippet of one of their scenes together.
"How old are you? You're in college and you're winging it?" she asked. "You're an adult and should be taking your classes seriously."
"I'm acing my classes. What about you, softball girl? How are your grades?" Bennett asked as he stood up. "You can't possibly be a good ball player and be great in your classes. It's one or the other."
"I'm a straight A student," she said without glancing away from the TV. "I also have a .425 batting average and a .625 on base average. My ERA is 2.1."
"Did she just swear at me in softball?" Bennett asked as he looked at Winston.
Winston snorted as he sat down in the chair. "I don't think Mia wants to put money in the sweat jar. Also she didn't swear at you in softball."
"How do you know? You're not fluent in softball either," Bennett said as he grabbed a bottle from the fridge. "I can ask Shelby. She'll know if you swore at me in softball. I think ERA is some kind of code."
"She'll look at you like you're crazy," she said.
"I'm acing my classes. What about you, softball girl? How are your grades?" Bennett asked as he stood up. "You can't possibly be a good ball player and be great in your classes. It's one or the other."
"I'm a straight A student," she said without glancing away from the TV. "I also have a .425 batting average and a .625 on base average. My ERA is 2.1."
"Did she just swear at me in softball?" Bennett asked as he looked at Winston.
Winston snorted as he sat down in the chair. "I don't think Mia wants to put money in the sweat jar. Also she didn't swear at you in softball."
"How do you know? You're not fluent in softball either," Bennett said as he grabbed a bottle from the fridge. "I can ask Shelby. She'll know if you swore at me in softball. I think ERA is some kind of code."
"She'll look at you like you're crazy," she said.